Understanding Fertilization through Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Intracytoplasmic refers to an assisted reproductive technology procedure in which sperm is artificially injected inside an egg’s cytoplasm. This is the gel-like substance in the center of an egg, made up of water, salt, and other molecules. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is an infertility treatment method in the field of in vitro fertilization. The ICSI procedure can assist in creating an embryo (fertilized egg). In cases where sperm cannot penetrate the outer layer of the released egg for a variety of reasons, such as the egg’s outer layer being thick or hard to penetrate or the sperm being immotile, fertility experts use ICSI to enhance the couple’s ability to conceive a child.
How does ICSI work?
The doctor may recommend ICSI as part of your IVF procedure to treat many causes of infertility, especially when there is a problem with the sperm, such as low motility (movement) or a low sperm count. It is a process in which a single sperm is injected into the cytoplasm (center) of each egg by an embryologist. After the egg has been injected with sperm, the embryologist will observe the egg over the next day or so. If fertilization occurs and the embryo matures properly, it will be transferred into the uterine cavity. ICSI is also used when genetic testing like comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) or pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of the embryos is required.

IVF Services We Offer

Ovulation Induction & Cycle Monitoring
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Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
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In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
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Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
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Blastocyst Transfer
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Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
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Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) & Tubal Evaluation
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Hysteroscopy And Laparoscopy Surgeries
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Doppler Tests & Urological Procedures
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Surgical Sperm Retrieval – TESA, MESA, PISA, Micro TESE
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Cryopreservation Of Embryos
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Vitrification Of Eggs
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Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA)
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Time Lapse Embryo Monitoring
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Laser Assisted Hatching (LAH)
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Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)
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DNA Fragmentation Index Of Sperm (DFI)
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Oocyte Donation
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Sperm Donation
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Free Counselling
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Can ICSI Affect a Baby’s Development?
When a woman gets pregnant naturally, there is a 1.5% to 3% chance that the baby will have a major birth defect. The chance of birth defects associated with ICSI is similar to that of IVF, but slightly higher than in natural conception. The slightly higher risk of birth defects may actually be due to infertility and not the treatments used to overcome it. Certain conditions have been associated with the use of ICSI, such as:
- Angelman syndrome
- Autism
- Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (a growth disorder)
- Disorders of sex differentiation.
- Hypospadias
- Intectuall disabilities
They are thought to occur in far less than 1% of children conceived using this technique.
Some of the problems that cause infertility may be genetic. For example, male children conceived with the use of ICSI may have the same infertility issues as their fathers.
What Is the Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Success Rate?
The process is conducted in controlled lab conditions and the success rate is as high as 80%. Earlier, the sperm and egg were placed together, allowing the sperm to penetrate the egg by itself, without any human intervention. However, these techniques yielded no good results. The techniques that are being used now are highly advanced and promise positive results.

Why Choose Aastha IVF?
Being one of the best IVF clinics in Patna, Aastha IVF’s specialists bring happiness to people’s lives by providing complete transparency in the procedure. At Aastha IVF, we use the most advanced technology to bring a ray of hope to couples who face difficulties conceiving naturally. Aastha IVF is renowned for providing a world class treatment at the lowest IVF treatment cost. Moreover, our result-oriented infertility treatment enhances the chances of attaining parenthood.