How Blastocyst Transfer Procedure Increases Your Chances of Conceiving
Pioneering another advancement in the field of in-vitro fertilisation and assisted reproductive technology is the procedure of frozen blastocyst transfer. A fairly new yet highly competent method used by doctors for IVF to help couples realise their dream of becoming parents, blastocyst transfer in IVF employs a very intricate method of achieving pregnancies with ease. Here is a quick rundown of everything you should know as someone who seeks to opt for IVF through frozen blastocyst transfer.

IVF Services We Offer

Ovulation Induction & Cycle Monitoring
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Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
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In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
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Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
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Blastocyst Transfer
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Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
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Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) & Tubal Evaluation
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Hysteroscopy And Laparoscopy Surgeries
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Doppler Tests & Urological Procedures
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Surgical Sperm Retrieval – TESA, MESA, PISA, Micro TESE
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Cryopreservation Of Embryos
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Vitrification Of Eggs
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Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA)
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Time Lapse Embryo Monitoring
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Laser Assisted Hatching (LAH)
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Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)
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DNA Fragmentation Index Of Sperm (DFI)
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Oocyte Donation
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Sperm Donation
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Free Counselling
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What is Blastocyst Transfer?
Blastocyst is an advanced form of embryo which is allowed to develop for five days without hindering its growth, which is then followed by blastocyst implantation in the uterus, thus raking up the chances of successful pregnancies while simultaneously lowering the probability of multiple pregnancies to avoid complications. Blastocyst takes roughly around five to six days to develop from the embryo as the result of fertilisation. In this duration, the embryo goes through a developmental stage of division which leads it to differentiate into two, four, eight and then sixteen cell stages respectively until it matures into several hundred cells, ultimately readying it for implantation on the sixth day, initiating pregnancy.
Why is Blastocyst Transfer Procedure Preferred?
Frozen blastocyst transfer procedure is preferred over other IVF methods such as gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) and frozen embryo transfer (FET) as it paves the way for elimination of multiple pregnancies of higher order such as triplets and quadruplets. Additionally, since the day 6 blastocyst is at an advanced developmental stage, it has the intrinsic property of sustaining itself allowing it to successfully implant itself in the uterine wall, given favourable extrinsic conditions.

Why Choose Aastha IVF?
Blastocyst culture is an extremely intricate assisted reproductive technology procedure that requires a high level of expertise to yield positive results. With the assistance and consultation from our team of globally trained and expert fertility specialists, you can be assured of receiving the love of your own child. Aastha IVF has accumulated hundreds of awards for its successful pioneering in bringing this world class technology to you, which makes us one of the leading IVF centre in Patna.