A Quick Roundup of Endometrial Receptivity Analysis
Endometrial receptivity array, or endometrial receptivity analysis, commonly known as ERA, is an analytical examination that helps in determining the cause of implantation failure after multiple unsuccessful attempts at conceiving through natural or IVF methods. It is recommended by fertility experts for couples who have been particularly unsuccessful in getting pregnant despite multiple and various attempts. After an unsuccessful attempt at IVF, ERA tests can provide insight into what might be causing implantation failures. Conditions like genetic disorders, lifestyle choices, and particular treatments and medications can negatively affect the ability of the uterus to host an incoming embryo, leading to implantation failures and sometimes even miscarriages.

IVF Services We Offer

Ovulation Induction & Cycle Monitoring
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Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
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In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
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Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
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Blastocyst Transfer
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Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
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Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) & Tubal Evaluation
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Hysteroscopy And Laparoscopy Surgeries
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Doppler Tests & Urological Procedures
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Cryopreservation Of Embryos
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Vitrification Of Eggs
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Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA)
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Time Lapse Embryo Monitoring
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Laser Assisted Hatching (LAH)
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Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)
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DNA Fragmentation Index Of Sperm (DFI)
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Oocyte Donation
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Sperm Donation
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Free Counselling
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How is the ERA Test Helpful?
Like mentioned above, an ERA test is carried out to determine the underlying reason for failure in implantation. Once determined, the problem can be discussed by fertility experts, followed by a treatment recommendation or, in extreme cases, an alternative way to become parents, such as surrogacy or adoption. As suggested by the name, the ERA test is done to analyse the womb’s endometrial receptivity, which is defined as the ability of the uterine wall to accept and form a placental connection with the embryo.
How is the ERA Procedure Done?
The ERA test is carried out at a particular time of the menstrual cycle, which is marked by the thickening of the endometrium as a form of preparation for a potential embryo implantation. A catheter is inserted through the vaginal canal, and, using a plunger-like tool, a small cross section of endometrium tissue is obtained via suction. This is also known as an endometrial biopsy. The tissue thus obtained is then sent to the laboratory for different tests, including gene sequencing.
Is ERA Worth It?
Aspiring parents spend large sums of money on realising their dreams. However, it isn’t always met with a positive ending. All that time, effort, and money invested in multiple unsuccessful attempts at IVF can lead to frustration and grief. Giving ERA a chance can help solve that problem.

Why Choose Aastha IVF?
Aastha IVF’s multi-experienced fertility experts not only offer great professional competency in ERA but also advanced knowledge of other assisted reproductive technologies that can be used in combination with ERA. Our state-of-the-art facilities, laboratory, and equipment make us one of the best fertility clinics in Patna.